The Innovator in Turbine Blast Cleaning & NDE Inspection
We provide complete on-site turbine (gas or steam) blast cleaning and NDE inspection solutions, as well as special turbine handling and testing equipment. Our contained abrasive blasting and NDE inspection services are available separately or, as many customers prefer, as a package.
By combining our blasting and inspection services, we can virtually eliminate all unproductive work delays on our end and help you return your unit to active service FAST. Integrating these services also avoids NDE downtime expenditures and accountability disputes between subcontractors. But most important of all, we can ensure total quality control in that all turbine components are subjected to the most rigorous and thorough inspection.
For a detailed operations description, see our contained blast cleaning and NDE procedures. You can also view our personnel certification, quality assurance policies, and our rigorous safety training policies and our zero drug tolerance. Upon request we may, if so qualified, perform work on equipment not specifically mentioned below.
Blasting Services
A turbine's NDE inspection is only as good as its blast cleaning, which is why we take great care in assuring each turbine and its components are perfectly clean. Our expert blasting technicians thoroughly remove all rust and residual (commonly referred to as "blueblush") buildup. But we are especially careful not to lift metal from the trailing edges of blades/buckets, where metal loss can be particularly damaging. This way we can provide an excellent inspection and still preserve the original aerodynamics of the turbine. For detailed information regarding our blast cleaning services, please visit our Blast Cleaning Page.
Inspection Services
At the heart of every turbine overhaul project is the inspection and testing. We perform NDE inspections on the steam (or gas) path. Our staff of seasoned veteran inspectors realize the multimillion dollar investments our clients' plants make in turbines. That's why we always conduct extensive, accurate NDE inspections and back them up with comprehensive, detailed inspection reports. This way we ensure the safe, reliable operation of our clients' plants and equipment for years to come.
For a detailed listing of the various certifications our inspection staff holds or are interested in the inspection process, please visit our NDE Page.
Special Equipment
Consistent with our mission, we have made a number of substantial investments in special equipment. This equipment allows us to further reduce our clients' turbine outage time and/or provide a superior level of service. Our monorail system for diaphragm racks greatly reduces the need for crane usage, thus saving crane time and money. Our dust suppressant system minimizes blowdown time and keeps the plant environment completely dust-free. And our 10,000 Amp Mag Machine allows us to inspect for axial cracks in large rotors/spindles.
Our investment in this special equipment reflects our commitment to providing our clients with and uncommonly high level of service. Check to see if your turbine blasting and inspection company is making this investment for you.